Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Feb 15 2025
- Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Wisdom of the Body Workshop
Wisdom of the Body Complete is a system of retrieving and releasing trauma, establishing mental and physical congruency in the musculature and nervous system and preparing the human being for life and its existential threats. It is the only system at present (2024) which unifies educational child development principles, yoga culture and enlightenment spirituality with the training of existential self defense and combat.
Here we deal with pre-verbal memory and are able to do some self rehabilitation and recall our infancy and find where our range of movement is restricted and what memories and traumas or scar tissue are attached to those restrictions. Once a thorough exploration of this stage is done slowly and carefully we can increase repetition and difficulty and move from exploration toward conditioning of the musculature.
The Mask Center
1083 Austin Ave.
Ground Floor Suite 008
Atlanta, GA 30307